Arrival (Car Riders)
- Children may not be dropped off before 7:25. If you need to drop your child off earlier, please enroll him/her in the before school program.
- Breakfast is served daily from 7:25 – 7:50. If you would like for your child/ren to have breakfast, make sure he/she is dropped off by 7:50.
- School starts promptly at 7:55. Your child will be marked tardy afterwards.
- All students must be dropped off in the car line. We understand that the line may be long at times, but ask that you do not drop your child off in the parking lot. Crossing the lane of traffic is too dangerous.
- Parents may not park in the morning and walk their children to the entrance. This practice slows down the drop off process as cars have to wait for you to cross over. The only time a parent should park in the morning is if he/she has business to conduct in the office.
- We ask that you establish a regular routine for your child's dismissal. Please communicate the dismissal plan with your child's teacher the first week of school. We understand that from time to time, you must deviate from the plan. If that occurs, please follow these procedures:
- If you are changing your child’s normal dismissal procedure, you must write a note to your child’s teacher in the planner. If no note is received, your child will be sent home by their usual mode of transportation. We cannot accept a child’s word.
- Changes are not made over the phone and all faxes must be received prior to 1:45 p.m.
- All changes must be received in writing. Do not email your child’s teacher or the office staff with a change because there is a chance we will not get it before dismissal.
Parent Pick-Up (Car Riders)
- Dismissal begins at 2:10.
- All parents of car rider students must have the parent pick-up sign displaying through the windshield of the car with child’s name and code number on it.
- If you do not have your car sign visible, you will be asked to park and come into the office to show ID before picking up your child.
- Please stay in your car at all times. If you park and walk up to the car ramp, you will be asked to return to your car and get back in the line. You may not wait for children in the office or outside your car.
- Any child picked up after 2:25 is considered late and will be charged the same fee as students in the Kid’s Care program.
Rainy Day Dismissal
- If there is lightning within 10 miles of the school or there are torrential rains during dismissal, parent pick-up students, and walkers/bike riders will be held inside until an all clear is given.
- If this weather occurs during drop off, staff assigned to the car ramp will be held inside until the lightning subsides.